Success Visualization – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- Per decenni, atleti professionisti, celebrità, professionisti, studenti e persone di ogni estrazione sociale hanno utilizzato il potere della visualizzazione creativa per cambiare la propria vita. Oltre ad aver raggiunto il successo, hanno ottenuto numerosi altri benefici dalla loro pratica regolare di visualizzazione creativa. Se non hai mai praticato la visualizzazione creativa prima, potresti non sapere come iniziare a cambiare la…
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Superior Brain Health – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- Superior Brain Health’ is the ultimate guide for those who want to boost their brain power and protect their brain health so that they can be focused, alert, and solve problems creatively. You’ll discover how to maximize your cognitive abilities, increase your IQ, and avoid cognitive diseases like dementia.
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The Abundance Mindset – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- Vivere una vita nell'abbondanza è alla portata di tutti gli individui su questa Terra e tutto dipende dalla mentalità. Troverai una vita abbondante, felice e appagante quando sarai pienamente consapevole dei tuoi pensieri e della tua capacità di cambiare il tuo processo di pensiero. Sappi che chiunque può accedere con successo a una mentalità di abbondanza e ottenere tutto ciò…
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The Anti-Anxiety Formula – eBook with Resell Rights
- €4,95
- Anxiety is one of the hidden symptoms that can kill your career, your relationships and your mental well being! This is why you need to learn how to manage, overcome, and get rid of these negative feelings. You are going to discover how to overcome anxiety, so that you can be fearless and achieve anything you want in life! What…
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The Art of Consistensy – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- >>> YOU CAN SELL THIS E-BOOK AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT AND KEEP 100% OF THE PROFITS FOR YOURSELF!!! <<< With all the distractions we have in the world nowadays it can be hard to stay consistent in routines and habits. Without consistency though, our relationships and our professional life will fail. Consistency is easier to talk about than…
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The Art of Living in the Moment – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- Most people have forgotten the present moment. Living a life of confidence and competence thanks to the power of integrity takes time, focus and energy. By understanding this skill and applying it to your life, you start slowing down the ‘treadmill’ of stress and pressure in your life. You're still running, you're still taking care of business, you're still being…
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The Beginner’s Guide to Meditation – eBook with Resell Rights
- €4,95
- There is nothing more stressful than having a billion things to do during the day without having even just a second to yourself. The hustle and bustle of everyday life can get to be very overwhelming. Fortunately, there is a solution. No matter how many demands you have placed upon you during the day, Meditation is an option that you…
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The Calm Mind – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- Meditation can completely change your life. While countless products, remedies, hacks, and lifestyle changes all promise to hold the ‘answer’, only meditation really comes close to actually delivering on that promise. Meditation is the only method that focuses on helping you to improve yourself. Studies show us that meditation can help to increase alpha and theta brainwaves to help induce states of calm. It…
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The Daily Affirmation Handbook – eBook with Resell Rights
- €4,95
- Thanks to the media and the constant flow of information on social media, as well as our limiting beliefs most people today have a negative mindset that is keeping them from manifesting their desires and living the life of their dreams. With the help of positive affirmations, anyone can improve their mindset and start manifesting their desires and being living…
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The Discipline Code – eBook with Resell Rights
- €16,95
- >>> PUOI VENDERE QUESTO E-BOOK TUTTE LE VOLTE CHE VUOI E TENERE IL 100% DEI PROFITTI PER TE!!! <<< Scopri il potere dell'autodisciplina con The Discipline Code. Questo corso completo offre preziosi spunti e strategie pratiche per aiutarti a sviluppare e mantenere abitudini disciplinate che possono trasformare la tua vita. Impara come integrare l'autodisciplina nella tua routine quotidiana e coltivare…
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The Disciplined Mind – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- Discipline is not just about achieving your goals. It's also about becoming a better person. Discipline is closely related to how well you do in life. This is not something that you pick up to solve some sort of problem, and then promptly drop. Instead, this is a key part of you that you need to invest a proper amount…
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The Growth Mindset – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- >>> YOU CAN SELL THIS E-BOOK AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT AND KEEP 100% OF THE PROFITS FOR YOURSELF!!! <<< Discover the power of a growth mindset with "The Growth Mindset" ebook. This comprehensive guide teaches you how to embrace challenges, cultivate resilience, and foster a mindset that leads to success and fulfillment.
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