Warrior Brain – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- >>> PUOI VENDERE QUESTO E-BOOK TUTTE LE VOLTE CHE VUOI E TENERE IL 100% DEI PROFITTI PER TE!!! <<< Ti sei mai sentito come se la vita fosse dura? Questa è la tua occasione per ottenere finalmente la mentalità a prova di proiettile di un guerriero senza paura! Si tratta di sapere cosa vuoi e di provarci. Si tratta di…
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What is Stress and How We Can Avoid it – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- Everybody deals with stress in their own way. Some people decide to cower away and cry in a corner, others try to fight their way through any stressful situations, while some just tend to freeze and bottle everything inside until it bursts out. Regardless of how you deal with this sort of a situation, what you need to understand is that…
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What to Do Against Stress Buildup – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- Stress is like a ladder. The more unfortunate events you need to take part in the more steps you climb up on that ladder, until you eventually just sort of end up having a nervous breakdown caused by all of that stress buildup. The higher you get on that ladder the more likely you are to suffer greatly when you…
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Wired for Greatness – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- "Wired For Greatness" è la guida definitiva che ti mostra come riprogrammare il tuo cervello per raggiungere la grandezza. Scoprirai che la grandezza può essere coltivata da chiunque con le giuste strategie. Con questa guida puoi fare il primo passo per vivere la tua eredità! La grandezza non consiste necessariamente nel diventare estremamente ricchi, famosi sul red carpet o avere…
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Work from Home Productivity – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- Working from home is all about having the right mindset. It’s about shifting the way you think about work, and it’s about training yourself to be able to operate with an incredible focus. Without someone looking over your shoulder or structuring your day, it’s all too easy to fall into bad habits. It's important to gain the correct mindset that will help you…
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Zen Mastery – eBook with Resell Rights
- €9,95
- With this ebook you are about to discover the Ancient Arts of self-discovery in order to be more mindful and grounded while attracting the abundance you deserve. By mastering this ancient art from the early 6th century, you can finally become truly extraordinary with balance in all areas of life: physically, intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. This blueprint is designed to…
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